1st Saturdays represents the first Saturday of each month as the official monthly volunteer/recruitment day at schools.

Since Familyhood is driven by two motto’s: 1) Every school shall have a functioning Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Assocation, Alumni Association and 2) Every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store, 1st Saturdays is a monthly reminder for a schools Familyhood to evaluate what has been done and where they plan to go.

1st Saturdays is known as the “do now” strategy to advance towards Familyhood, because this one day a month, the first Saturday of each month, is saved on the schools calendar for the entire year.

Once the school”saves all the dates” of 1st Saturdays, the schols three main membership organizations, motto #1 ,Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association  accept the responsibility to give updates at every 1st Saturdays event.


Join or start one in your community!
