“#Familyhood” is a community development strategy that utilizes schools as the center for development.

The vision is to create #Familyhood’s at every school.

In essence, #Familyhood is the schools Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association in collaboration.

Together, #Familyhood’s govern school – based enterprises such as school gardens, farmers markets and eventually grocery stores.

#Familyhood is driven by two motto’s. 1) “every school shall have a functioning Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association.” 2) “every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.”

1st Saturdays is the “do now’ strategy to advance communities towards #Familyhood. 1st Saturdays represents the first Saturday of every month as the official monthly volunteer / recruitment day at schools.

In addition to these three main school based organizations working together, i.e SGA + PTA + ALUMNI, we, Made in Silicon.com are seeking companies to join #Familyhood in their communities.

Company participation could happen in many different ways. Company representatives could show up once a month at schools in the neighborhood and volunteer with 1st Saturdays in the schools garden, offer internships/jobs to students/parents, assist the Student Government Association, The Parent Teacher Association, Alumni, etc.

#Familyhood recommends schools establish a #Familyhood space in the school that enables Student Government to meet and work together with Parents and Alumni.

We are seeking local companies to join our efforts of increasing sustainability from communities up!